Note: Listed by original Tape#
901 Solstices, the Master, the Nature of Man (CD 151)
Father Paul (undated), 32 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Father shows the various cycles of the seasons, equinoxes, solstices, etc. and how they relate to the Christ and man’s development. Teaches the Illumination of man and the earth.
902 The Mystery of Man is Man, and Man the Revelation (CD 151)
Father Paul 5/69, 36 minutes (Life-Vowed)
This tape looks at the body of man and how we function through it through the autonomic functions; the senses; objective and subjective worlds, etc.
903 Man, His Function: Brotherhood (CD 152)
Father Paul 8/20/68, 50 minutes (Students)
Father tells about man coming into accord with God’s Creation; shows inter- relationship of organs in body; principles of electromagnetic force; receiving our Life from God; race evolution; reality of Brotherhood.
904 The Nature of Man: Perfection (CD 153)
Father Paul (undated), 43 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Man’s use of the laws of nature and his place in Creation. Principles of healing and power of the mind. The reality of the Word; man’s relation to God.
907 Light, Color and Healing (CD 153)
Father Paul 1973, 30 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Talks about atomic structure and forms of light, sound, and energy. Gives some material on color and healing; answers questions on ordination; speaks about predictions of disasters.
908 From Egg to Individual Man (CD 154)
Father Paul (undated), 44 minutes (Students)
Class teaches the creation and evolution of man’s physical body going through all the various biological functions involved on conception, reproductive processes, genetics, etc. and the miracle of God’s design.
909 Blueprint of Life, 9/18/69, 24 minutes, (CD 154) and Evolution and Change, 8/11/69, 26 minutes, (CD 155)
Father Paul (Students)
Talks about self-respect and other miscellaneous things. Goes through several parts of the Testament with a few references to ordination requirements, etc. “Evolution” speaks of the attunement of man with the Divine. Shows how man grows spiritually in modern times and olden days.
910 Preparing for Initiation (CD 155)
Father Paul 10/24/68, 47 minutes (Novices)
Teaches the origin of the sciences; the Creation; use of symbols. Shows how man becomes aware of reality and limits of physical senses alone; also the spiritual senses and their function in relation to the body. Gives some spiritual physiology, etc.
911 Flesh Body (CD 156 and 157)
Father Paul 1/11/69, 76 minutes (Disciples)
Gives thorough study of the organs and systems of the flesh body; their relation to effects of various dis-eases; man in the New Age, etc.
912 The Human Body (Nerves) (CD 157)
Father Paul 7/14/69, 51 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Goes into structure of nerves, reflex system, etc. in the body and gives principles of healing. Includes relation of feet to the body, techniques of massage in healing.
913 The Temple of God (Wisdom) (CD 158)
Father Paul 7/15/69, 58 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Shows the reason for man’s being endowed with wisdom through the ancient Egyptian mystery teachings; the priority of God; man’s use of the Laws; physical structure and balance of the body, etc.
914 The Human Body (CD 159)
Father Paul 6/17/69, 53 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Covers the sense of smell; symbolism of colors; effects of cosmic rays; matter and energy; forms of light; spiritual body; magnetic healing, etc.
916 Introduction to Healing (CD 160)
Father Paul 9/23/68, 47 minutes (Life-Vowed)
This class deals with the processes of healing through spiritual attainment, right thinking, treatment by the healer, etc. Talks about transition and the higher realms; spiritual health, etc.
917 Healing II, 9/23/68, 30 minutes and Healing III, 9/24/68, 8 minutes, (CD 161)
Father Paul (Life-Vowed)
Teaches the structure of the physical body and how the power moves through it; gives causes and effects of various dis-eases and conditions. What is required of a Priest and Healer. Gives some material on the digestive system, teeth, etc.
(Note: audio below of Healing II picks up partway through the questions and answers at the end of the lecture. Click on lecture title to read the full transcription.)
918 Healing V (CD 162)
Father Paul (undated), 31 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Shows the body’s requirements of food and its relation to fasting; its regenerative powers; principles of nutrition; structure and function of digestive organs; creation of body heat, etc.
919 The Dweller on the Threshold (CD 162 and 163)
Father Paul 5/5/70, 77 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Reveals the perfection of body and the various things people put in the way of that including the “Dweller”. Goes into the spiritual body; cleansing process; regneration and illumination; effects of drugs; blood composition; various dis-eases and causes.
920 Spiritual Body: Healing (CD 164)
Father Paul 3/9/70, 59 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Speaks of the spiritual body; function of various organs; techniques and principles of spiritual healing. Nature and use of power; forms and vibrations of Light, etc.
921 Healing Power, and Color and Healing (CD 161)
Father Paul 9/3/68, 27 minutes (Life-Vowed)
This lecture deals with man’s understanding of his physical structure and forces around him; healing techniques; seeing and observation, the use of color in healing.
922 Lecture on Color (CD 165)
Father Paul 5/27/71, 55 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Teaches the principles of color and the mechanics of seeing. Shows music and color as applied to healing; meditation, etc.
923 Human Body: Light, Life and Love (CD 166)
Father Paul 5/4/70, 42 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Function of the body and right living; the Light and life in man; Brotherhood and the reality of Love; requirements for entrance into the Ministry/Priesthood.
924 The World Around Us (CD 167)
Father Paul 9/26/68, 51 minutes (Students)
Goes into the conditions of the world; our seeing these things, coming of the New Age; effects of radiation in man and the earth; use of observation, etc.
925 The Divinity of the Material World (CD 167)
Father Paul 5/14/70, 20 minutes (Students)
Takes some parts of the “Cosmic Christ” and shows the divinity and evolution of man, through the soul growth; the gift of Christ; etc.
Photo by Aaron Blanco/Unsplash