Audio Catalog: The Tree of Life; Symbolism

tree of life and symbolism audio recordings

The Tree of Life; Symbolism (500 series)

Click on Title to read Transcript where available

Note: Listed by original Tape#


501a Tree of Life: Practical Approach (CD 71)
Father Paul 1/11/71 53 minutes (Students)
Goes through the Tree of Life and touches on most of the parts of it and how they relate to one another. Gives a good overall view of what we learn in the Order.

(audio is very poor quality)


501b Tree of Life: Prayer, Light, Life, Love (CD 72)
Father Paul 1/12/71 57 minutes (Students)
Deals principally with Prayer and its real use. Also goes into faith, Light, Life and Love as the Christ aspects, as well as many other things.


501c Tree of Life: Word, Mind, Faith (CD 73)
Father Paul 1/14/71 52 minutes (Students)
Covers the reality of the Light of Christ in man and his spiritual body. Also some things on the Word and Mind of God and man’s use of it.


501d Tree of Life: Awakening, Return, Feast (CD 74)
Father Paul 1/15/71 45 minutes (Students)
The reality of the Awakening of man and his return to God bringing the function of the Way in this.


501e Tree of Life: Lesson #5 (CD 75)
Father Paul 1/18/71 62 minutes (Students)
A lot of questions are answered by Father Paul in this class ranging from things about the Self and Soul to meditation, feast, etc.


Note: Scroll down to tapes #503a-d for additional Tree of Life lessons.


502a Corporation Class 1974 (CD 76)
Father Paul 1/2/74 60 minutes (Life-vowed)
Stresses symbolism and shows it in the forms of Creation. Gods into an in-depth study of the symbolism of the flesh body.


502b Corporation Class 1974: Symbolism of the Body (CD 77)
Father Paul 1/4/74 48 minutes (Life-vowed)
Discussion of the proof of the existence of God. A study of the understanding of Creation and God as it is shown in symbolism. Stresses our ability to communicate these things to people.


502c Corporation Class 1974: Symbolism in the Tree of Life (CD 78)
Father Paul 1/7/74 39 minutes (Life-vowed)
Shows symbolism working through the Tree of Life and how many of the parts work together. Speaks of the reality of prayer and our responsibility in using it.


502d Corporation Class 1974: Symbolism in Revelations (CD 79)
Father Paul 1/14/74 47 minutes (Life-vowed)
Takes the 12th chapter in the Revelations and uncovers the meaning of some of these things. Also goes into the subjects of the serpent force, psychic plane, and color.


502e Corporation Class: Symbolism of the Body (CD 80)
Father Paul 1/21/74 70 minutes (Life-vowed)
Teaches the reality of possessions and obsessions and the techniques of exorcism. Also goes into the reality and application of symbolism in our lives, our physical bodies, letters, etc.


502f Corporation Class: Symbolism in the Creation (CD 81)
Father Paul 1/24/74 57 minutes (Life-vowed)
Begins with Genesis and reinforces our understanding of creation. Also the importance of our understanding of symbolism and our communication of these things to others is stressed.


502g Corporation Class 1974: Bits and Pieces (CD 82)
Father Paul 2/1/74 58 minutes (Life-vowed)
Speaks of the workings of Prayer, Faith; the Temptation of Jesus; mystical principles of water. Takes some things from the Book of Jesus and illustrates our duty of service to God.


502h Corporation Class 1974: Epigenesis (CD 83)
Father Paul 2/4/74 54 minutes (Life-vowed)
This class brings forth the reality of epigenesis working through all the facets of life and creation. Also the way the Law works through this.


502i Corporation Class Epigenesis (CD 84)
Father Paul 2/8/74 43 minutes (Life-vowed)
Shows through various examples in the structure of the physical body and God’s creation, the workings of epigenesis and grace.


502j Corporation Class 1974: Sacrament Book (CD 85)
Father Paul 2/12/74 73 minutes (Life-vowed)
Teacher Priesthood and its relation to the sacraments. Covers some things on living symbolism. Goes over the basic sacraments, Baptism, Communion, Last Rites, etc.


502k Corporation Class: Sacrament Book (CD 86)
Father Paul 2/18/74 39 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Shows perspective of sacraments as used in other churches and their reality. Goes into Priest’s function in serving Communion, etc. Also the Order’s work in Uniting All Faiths.


503a Tree of Life: Symbolism (CD 87)
Father Paul 6/2/69 44 minutes (Students)
Goes into the symbolism of the forms of creation through the Tree of Life, and our understanding and use of it. Teaches the reality of mediator.


503b Tree of Life: Prayer, Meditation, Blessing (CD 88)
Father Paul 6/5/69 62 minutes (Students)
Shows symbolism in the branches of science. Speaks of seeing color, outlines communication. Goes extensively into the Law of Prayer and the responsibility in teaching it to others. Also covers meditation, contemplation, blessing, etc.


503c Tree of Life: Awakening, Return, Feast (CD 89)
Father Paul 7/7/69 61 minutes (Students)
Shows association between Awakening, Return, and Feast and the Way. Goes into effects of self-condemnation; purpose and relationship of race, evolution of man, etc.


503d Tree of Life: Pattern in the Mind of the Father (CD 90)
Father Paul 2/2/70 37 minutes (Students)
Deals with the function of the Law, Akasha, symbolism, etc. Gives an overall view of the branches in the Tree of Life and a thorough study of their Interrelationship with one another.


504 Epigenesis and Grace (CD 91)
Father Paul undated 55 minutes (Students)
This lesson tells of the coming of the New Age and the relation of Jesus Christ’s teaching in preparation for this. The class is taken from Epigenesis II in the Second level Philosophy. It includes not only the Law of Epigenesis, but Laws we must live within.


505 Symbolism (CD 92)
Father Paul 8/12/69 42 minutes (Students)
Symbolism is broken down into its various forms in the human body, the soul, prayer, etc. Stresses the importance of simplicity; the unseen realm and its effect on the seen, etc.


506 Symbolism (CD 93)
Father Paul 10/16/72 (11/16/72?) 43 minutes (Students)
Speaks of symbolism as a working reality and reveals this through forms of mathematics, and many other sciences.


507 The Tools of God (CD 94)
Father Paul 8/8/68 51 minutes (Students)
Speaks of the sacraments in the churches. Goes into history and evolution of language; symbolism of letters; purpose and function of grace; symbolism of man, etc.


508a Seven Pearls of the Golden Force (CD 93-2)
Father Paul undated 28 minutes (Students)
Goes into symbolism as it’s been used in man’s evolution and history; creation, Law, elements, etc.


508b Mythology and Symbolism (CD 94-2)
Father Paul 8/21/69 18 minutes (Students)
Teaches symbolism of astrology and mythology and their application to man. Brings out comparative look at this as seen by masses and the actual reality.


509 Evidence of God in the New Earth, Lesson #1 (CD 95)
Father Paul 11/24/69 34 minutes (Novices)
Gives a detailed, scientific account of the realities of creation through relationships of planets, etc. and facts and statistics showing the positive proof God’s existence.


510 Evidence of God in the New Earth, Lesson #2 (CD 95-2) 30 min. and #3 (CD 96) 16 min.
Father Paul 11/24/69 (Novices)
Goes into the various scientific theories of the Creation, expansion of the Universe; the formation of the elements, etc.


511 The Hebrew Mysteries (CD 96-2)
Father Paul 10/22/68 39 minutes (Students)
Shows the reality of the One God historically. Goes into evolution of man. Unveils the mysteries of Creation and their relevance to us now.


512 Origin of the Solar System (CD 97)
Father Paul 10/17/68 38 minutes (Life-Vowed)
Talks about the relevance of the origin of the Solar System. Father teaches the Laws of Creation and the realities of man’s existence in God. (Taken from a public class with some very unruly students just off Haight Street.)


513 Mystical Approach to the New Testament (CD 98)
Father Paul 4/3/70 62 minutes (Students)
Teaches the development of mystical teachings concerning “Jacob’s Ladder”, reincarnation, etc. Goes into the reality of the link between heaven and earth and our use of it, etc.


Photo by Toni Reed/Unsplash