Healing II

23 Dec

Healing II

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Lecture by Father Paul Blighton
Tape 917 | September 23, 1968


Lessons One and Two of the healing course that we had last night shows us one specific thing that I want you to try and get a concept of – get an understanding, rather, of – not just a concept, an understanding. Because it’s a reality that whatever man experiences and goes through, whatever he does in the way of vocation, application, his different degrees of intelligence, as he has gone along the road of involution and evolution. Because, you see, as he went through involution with his spiritual being, he was going also through evolution with his physical being, because his physical body was advancing but he was going into denser matter all the time.

But now we are coming to the point, and we are at the point where our physical body is going to change and become less dense. Also, we are going to gain greater perception, both spiritually and mentally, and thus it is necessary for us, if we are going to study healing, to understand really the depth and the importance of the inner man as well as the outer. Because the things of the outer man depict and show the reflection of the experiences which we have gone through in the past, and our soul development along with it.

Now you can’t have a man with a dark face – and I’m not talking about racial, but I mean that darkness in his face – and have a nice white spiritual condition. That’s an impossibility. It doesn’t work that way. A man’s face and his countenance depict where he is on the path of evolution and where he has – the things he has gained and the things he has stored up. If you don’t believe that, or you should, I should say this time, having been here this long, seen the people after they have gained some spiritual experience – although it may not be a complete one sometimes, they have gained some spiritual experience and immediately it starts to show. Light comes in the face and the countenances start to change and the darkness starts to be removed, and many other things. Wounds start to heal in the body, other conditions in the body start to disappear; in other words, his inner man is changing and so his outer man must change.

This is one of the reasons why, in schools of this nature and in this order as it is today in this age, is the reason why we use discipline as one of the tools. When you can get the physical body to do what it is told, there is a possibility then, a door is open, so to speak – not literally but just figuratively – where the willingness of the physical man to do what he is told for his development will then open the door for his spiritual development, because the reflection of the outer willingness to put his – to drop his idea at his will in the place of God’s will, and to work with that, means that he is getting ready, or trying to at least, to find himself and to work toward some spiritual advancement. This immediately has its reaction on the physical body.

Now the entire spinal nerve system is a tree, so to speak, and you can call it the tree of life of the physical body because it really is. Off of each branch – I haven’t them here, but that’s all right. I won’t need them only a moment anyway – off of each branch of that spine comes a set of nerves which go to some organ of the body, some particular function. There are many little branches, many little nerves that come off of there, and they are protected by the spine, more or less. Pressures do set up and disturb these because of your mental tensions, around and around and around and around it goes. Tension, stresses, mental conditions, poor spiritual conditions, poor body conditions; tension, stresses, and there it goes, round and round and round and round. One begets the other. And you know it’s just like in the chapters in Matthew, the forty-two “begats? And we take from the house of David down, and so forth? Well, that’s just the way the thing works in our physical body when it comes to talk about the function of the physical body in relation to the spiritual body, and various dis-eases.  And that’s what they are, because when you gain a mental dis-ease you have got a physical disorder.

Now if you strike a person who has apparently no mental disorder and has no physical disorder, and he apparently knows and understands, but refuses to, you can put that down as just darn stubbornness.  And when you get a darn stubborn person, don’t try to buck ‘em; let them go their way. They’ll get over it or they won’t, one or the other, because very seldom can you get those people to get it. They’re bound and determined they’re going to have their way, hell or high water, and very often you will meet this type that are self-crucifying. This always seems to be a [twinge?] disease with that, so to speak. They like to crucify themselves like Benny did out here, so they can be stubborn, and they do very often. Now this is not true with everyone, but it’s true with many.

You get somebody who has very bad feet, and they’re terribly sore and all that sort of thing. Well, you can pretty well set yourself down to the fact that, chalk it down that someplace along the line they’ve got some pretty poor understanding of life and they’ve got troubles. And you’ll find sooner or later as you follow these things out, you’ll find these troubles show themselves.

There is many things that manifest themselves, and we will go into each one of these. But the thing I want you to bring forth, soundly set in your mind more than anything else because it is absolutely the key of the cornerstone in healing, and that’s it doesn’t make any difference what the disease is, you are going to find that you have a spiritual condition which is not correct and needs to be corrected somewhere, whether it’s in this life or another one, it’s still there. But it is very difficult for us to accept this because we’ve all, sometime or other I presume, been sick some way and we don’t like to admit that we’re that far off the beam; and this is true.

There are many people, in their vocations, that have terrific problems and sometimes a person has to get out of their vocation because their particular type of individual cannot stand to work in that particular thing, even though they like it. They need spiritual correction in order for their body to be strong enough and to be pliable enough, or what-have-you, in order to work in that particular trade or business or profession.

I remember that I had an old friend that was a doctor many, many years ago. I suppose he has passed over since. By this time I guess he’d be quite an old boy. And he went to Columbia to medical school while I was going – I knew him when I was going to RIT, and he said to me, he said, “You know” – I used to drive for him while on maternity cases in wintertime and things like that, and we’d ofttimes talk, and he said, “You know when I first started in surgery after I’d gotten through my work in anatomy,” he said, “you know I had the darnedest time in dissecting specimens.” He said, “I just didn’t like doing it, it bothered me to draw blood on a man. It really did. It even bothered me to draw blood for to make a test on it, just with the needles.”

He said, “I didn’t know whether I was going to be able to go through surgery school or not. But he said, “You know I was then told to go down in the operating arena where they dissected these cadavers that came in. These were people who were pulled out of the river, you know, the Hudson River and places like that, that nobody called for, that had no relatives or anything else, and they’d take them to the medical clinic there. Medical research school.” And he said, “You know ever since a kid I was bothered by this, but then I had the desire to do it. I had the desire, I wanted to be a surgeon, a physician.” He said, “I got along fine and everything”, he said, “but this bothered me.

So he said, “I was sent down in arena one after, later on in the afternoon, and they wheeled in a cadaver, and a professor came in and told me that I should dissect all the nerves of the back and bring out the whole spinal cord and make a display of it.” And he said, “I don’t know what he was, but I know he was a big tough Irishman, or had been at one time.” And he said, “It looked like somebody had rapped him over the head and dumped him in the river, from the appearance of the body.” And he said, “You know I lifted him, turned him over on his back, on his face.” He said, “I looked at him. I got a scalpel out and the other things that I needed and I put my hand up. I knew just where to start the operation,” he said. “I knew that.” And he said, “I started to work with it and I kept thinking about it and thinking about it.” He said, “Finally I got up courage enough,” he said, “I put the scalpel down and I put a spreader on it; on the skin, I closed my eyes and I pulled the scalpel down. I opened my eyes,” he said, “I just made a scratch on the skin. And,” he said, “boy, was he a tough Irishman.” He said, “You know, after that it didn’t bother me.” He said, “I went right ahead.”

But the point of my little story is this: he had the determination to do it regardless of what his feelings were, or his physical reactions were.  The trouble with most of us is, especially in healing, we do not, when we try to use the word or prayer or something of that sort, we get caught up in the feelings of the individual, or our personal relationship with that person and feeling for them. In this way we have problems.

Then we have the other thing which comes along right in that, our willingness to help people. It’s fine, it’s wonderful. But what am I going to have to give up in order to do it? Well, that’s the point. You’re going to have to give up yourself and all your whims, because if you want to become a true healer, as every priest should, you will have absolutely no personal feelings about anybody’s illness. Because that’s the only way you are good for anything. Because if you start feeling sorry or sad, you’ll be walking out of there with a little hickey-do of your own to take care of, that’s for sure.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have compassion on somebody that’s made a mistake, because you do. But you’re not sorry, because if you are sorry, then you’re sorry that God created this universe the way He did; and that’s just a little bit silly, isn’t it? Yes?

Q: …  not involved … because …

Oh, yes. You don’t have to go to the doctor’s. Just as a priest, when you hear a confession or you’re serving communion, you don’t have any personal feelings, do you?

Q: No. The point that I was realizing that even at the lower levels of healing, psychology and sociology and the medical physician, they recognize non-involvement in order to be able to help people.

Oh, yes. Yeah?

Q: Why do people try to pull you in this?

Yes? Pull you in what?

Q: Like a lot of times when you get involved with people, and they say, they want to pull you in in some way, you know, and so that they … emotion, more than just a, you know, compassionate. Why do people …?

You mean when they’re ill?

Q: Yeah, why do they do that? Is this a – something they can’t understand, and you just have to …?

Well, you know, there’s more truth in a lot of our old folk sayings than what we want to give credit for. There’s one that I can remember which very plainly and very distinctly describes this particular condition: “Misery loves company.” And maybe you don’t think they don’t. They sure do.

Now if you’re a priest and you are in the church and you start getting personal about anything, you’re just as far off the track as if you were in healing, because you must learn to be impersonal. You can have a great rapport with a person, and have a great deal of love for a person, but don’t you start to get any personal feeling about anything. You do what’s necessary and that’s it. Because when you reach that, if you think you’re going to have a lot of personal friends, I just want to let you know that you are climbing up the wrong tree, because you are not, and you cannot have them.

There may be a lot of people that know you and like you for what you do, for what you are able to help people with, and all these sort of nice things, but lay it right down cold turkey so that you don’t get disappointed and you don’t have any emotions about it. You are not going to be with the crowd. You’re going to be alone; remember that. You are going to be alone. You’ll have brothers here, sisters along with them, and they’ll all be good companions, as far as any going socially with anything or to participate in the work of the order, or anything of this sort. Sitting down and having dinner and chatting around, and all that. But they’re not personal friends of yours, and don’t you ever think they are. And the sooner you reach that understanding, the sooner and the smoother will go your work.

Because if you’re looking for a personal friendship, this isn’t the place. This is not the place. You are in the wrong pew. How can it be? Because God and the order come first! Your pal over here takes second or third place. They don’t like that. If you don’t have those two in first place, first and second place, you’re not functioning right and that’s all there is to it.

Now these are realities. These are part of the pattern that I started to explain last night, of man’s evolution. And we’re going to go a little further on it. Because we have to learn how to think about man; we have to look at a man and know why we feel this way about him. And that’s what the Self says.

I had one fellow the other day:  he said to me, “Well, look, Father. If we get the answers out of the Self, what’s the use of going through the course of study?”

I said, “Just so that you’ll be able to understand what’s coming out of the Self. Because if you don’t, you won’t have any words to understand in the first place.” And this is true.

So, it’s the same thing here. You may be able to sit down and diagnose perfectly for your own good, not for the other guy. Another point: you don’t diagnose disease because we don’t recognize disease. If you do, you break the law. And that’s factual. And furthermore, from a spiritual standpoint of view, why should you want to acknowledge a disease? All we’re trying to do is get the original cause straightened out. The disease is nothing but just an effectual manifestation on the physical level. Now, if you give that disease cognizance, you’re going to have a disease, and you’re going to pay the bill. This is one of the, I guess the – what’s that word they use, dichotomy, of medicine? You diagnose the disease, you give it all its attention and build it up, and at the same time give it a dose of medicine to try to break it down.

There is only one disease. There is probably no other being in the world that has so much sickness as man. Because you see he thinks, and that’s his trouble. That’s what gets him into trouble. Because if he didn’t think…. Like an animal; an animal doesn’t know anything about disease. He may not feel perfectly well, he may have had too much fat or something of that, but if he does, he’ll burp it up and go on, and he won’t be disturbed at all. Because he doesn’t know anything but health. He follows the mind of the group spirit of his particular species, and this is the way he lives. And he lives by the natural instincts, and so there isn’t any such thing as disease in his mind. And he doesn’t know anything like this.

But man, he’s thinking all the time. He’s thinking about one thing or another usually, and if he can’t think of anything else, why, he’ll find something to think about; he’ll manufacture it. And the chances are he’ll get off on the wrong, on the wrong track.

One of the important things which I’ve tried to teach you, and which our school tries to teach you, is the use of the law. And when we taught that we tried to teach you to let go when, after you’d used it, and that this was the way to get it to work; this was the way it did work. And yet when we try to do something for an individual – and I’ve watched this being done – “Why sure, John,” (or Mr. Smith or Jerry or something): “Yes, sure, I’ll give you a healing.” And he puts his hands on his head or his body or something, and he’ll make a little prayer as he sees the force start to go, and then he’ll linger, linger, linger. Now, once in a while that will keep on coming because it’s in such a bad condition that it needs that extra, but seldom. Once it has flowed, if you don’t try to keep it moving, it will stop when it’s ready. And they will stand there and pray for hours. I’ve seen – not hours, but I’ve seen them pray for several minutes.

“Father, heal it! This is a divine body. It is absolutely perfect. Thank you.” You can pray all you want to, the chances are you’re going to get twisted up in your prayer before you get through, and nullify the whole works. Jesus just walked along the way and he said,” Arise! Take up thy bed and walk.” You’re well, go on, shoo. This is one of the things we have to learn to do. Now sometimes it’s necessary to break away from this on the outer, and to apparently give a little more treatment. But you’d better keep your head up here straightened out. You’d better know different about this whether the patient does or not. Because if you don’t, you are going to have trouble. Yes?

Q: … nullify prayer?

Well, if you make a prayer and when you have gotten through and thanked God for it, or thanked Jesus Christ, and then you start looking and see if it’s really happening, that’s nullifying it. Or you can turn around and make the prayer over again in a different way – you’ve nullified the first prayer. Because you never can make two prayers alike. At least if you do, you’re a better man than I am about that. See what I mean?

Q: If you nullify the first one … the second one …?

You pray for the same thing twice.

Q: Well, maybe if you nullify the first one … correct it.

That’s all right as long as you don’t pray and make another prayer for the same thing, or as long as you don’t turn around and look over your shoulder to make sure the second one works. Like, there was a fellow here one day, he had something, I’ve forgotten what it was. This was about four or five months ago, or better. And I gave him a healing on his foot. And he said, “Thank you, Father. Thank you.” And he was sitting there and he said, “Thank you.’ And he said, “I wonder if that did work.” [laughter] That’s the sense, you see. That’s the point right there, the whole thing. That’s absolutely the very nitty-gritty of the whole works.

Nine tenths of the healing is the Word and the knowledge of its working, and the power coming through. Yes?

Q: [inaudible]

It’s possible, if your knowing is strong enough. You can if your knowing is strong enough. Of course, you might heal it in five minutes if you would start to turn around and work again because the other person declined it, still hung onto it. This is possible.

Q: [inaudible]

No time at all, in reality. But according to how hard they fight, why, that’s according to how, the way it goes. I know one day – this is, must be two or three years ago, someone came into the office and I gave a healing to them and, I think it was migraine headaches, if I remember right, and I got through with the prayer and I said, “Thank you, Father,” and walked away from it. And I said, “I’m going downtown; will you walk down with me?” He said, “Sure, I’ll walk down with you.”

I never asked him if he felt better or anything, you see, not a word. I just acted as if I’d never done anything, I’d never said any prayer or anything else. He got part way down and all of a sudden, he turned around and looked at me. He said, “Hey, you know that worked.”

I said, “Yes, as long as I kept your mind occupied long enough so that the darn thing could work.” Yes?

Q: You said that your knowing determines … are you doing it under your own mind or … power …?

Your knowing, knowing.

Q: Well, I say that I know, I know and …

What do you know about that?

Q: What do I know about it? …

Yeah.  But what do you know about it? What would it do?

Q: [inaudible]

If you know that as well with a prayer as you do with that dollar, it will work every time. Do you get me? You get what I’m driving at?  That’s knowing! No question at all. It’s done, you know it; it’s done. Yes, John?

Q: … to the point when you do know by working with it. … Let’s say a person didn’t know , but after all it’s been tried out and see what happens and let go and forgot about it … he told his students he did know, you know, and then it worked. …

Knowing is faith that the Law works.

Q: Through your experience.

Yeah. Yes?

Q: Well, … you heal the spiritual condition. Well now, how would a person ever get back into that same condition again? I don’t know why he was in that spiritual condition.

No? I can tell you. What would you think?

Q: Well, I’d say it was karmic.

Well all right. Let’s say now it is karmic. We’ll just say it is. Well now, wait a minute. Let’s get it down to something. What’s a migraine headache?

Q: A very severe headache.

Yeah, all right. But what causes it?

Q: A congestion.

Yeah. What causes it? All right what causes it?

Q: [inaudible]

You don’t understand.

Q: What causes the spiritual condition?

What causes the headache? What is the cause?

Q: He’s cutting off the oxygen to the brain.

I don’t give a dang what you cut off. All right, somebody give me an answer.

Q: Resentment?

There we’ve got it, resentment. Resentment. That’s it, that’s what causes all migraine headaches. Resentment.

Q: Well – is that …

Don’t ask me. I know it works. I know that that’s the soul, John. It works in that way every time. Resentment will create migraine headaches. You move the resentment out of the person who’s got migraine headaches and you’ve got a healing And if you just heal ’em, that’s fine, but you’ve got to go to work on them because they’re going to develop another one if you don’t. Yes?

Q: Now like the priests in the morning, their prayers, you know, removing the negation from their conscious being, some for themselves and some for the people gathered. Does this act again in the evening as a preparation for the night? Now the pattern is set through the day, and when you … And the same thing with … also … setting a pattern in the morning and just when you see it manifest … to give thanks … When it works …

You’re talking about saying, a mass or a service, in such a way that it would automatically set up the form. That is not what the mass is for. If they do it that way, they’re off. You can pray for their sins, yes, but there isn’t anything going to set up an automatic pattern so that you automatically get healed, except your own thinking.

One of – the thing I’m trying to lead toward is this: that we have then in the nerve system, you see, here we have a reflex action in between the spirit, the spiritual man and the physical man. Cause: effect. Now in the nerve system of the body we have a reflex action. Impingement of nerves reflects through the organs of the body. You go to the feet and you have nerve endings here, and if these are palpitated you’ll have stimulation in different organs of the body. Each one of the nerve systems is tied into an organ. we’re going to have that in a couple of lessons now when I get down through the preliminary work. Yes?

Q: … what is the difference between …

Oh, I just showed it to him, put it right out there and showed him where his spiritual resentment was. He resented the fact that his mother always tried to get him to come back and get her okay on everything that had to with his social life, that is to say, all his girlfriends. And he was a fellow twenty years old, but he’d been tied to his mother’s apron strings. And he had this resentment when he got older, because he wanted his own gal. He wasn’t going to have his mother to pick out his gal for him, and you can’t blame him for that. And this is a reality, by golly, and you’re going to find cases just like that. And he just had this resentment. He, every time he’d go to go out with his friend, his girlfriend, why, he’d have a migraine headache. And he’s great company, you know, a guy with a migraine headache going out with his gal friend. Just about as much use to her as – [laughter] Wow. And well, it’s the truth. Would you want to go out for a dance and supper or something with some with migraine headache? Good Lord. Hm?

Q: [inaudible]

I should think so.

Q: … I wanted to ask … finding the cause.

Finding the cause? Yes, you try to, sure, unless it’s some minor thing, why, that it’s too much pie and too much coffee or something like that, you just give them a healing and let it go at that. And it will work, you know, get straightened out. What was it, John?

Q: Oh, … the other person … can that still be nullified … you know the power has moved in …?

The power isn’t nullified. The man gets a healing all right, but he never senses it because he’s fought it; he’s accepted something else. Yes?

Q: What is your mind on … ?

My mind is usually on Jesus Christ.

Q: … the patient?

No, it’s on Jesus. Because I can usually – sort of a pet image of mine, I guess maybe, but I like to feel as if, the same as he would feel if he was doing it, the same way. That’s my own little way of doing it, but I don’t recommend it has to be done that way always. You can be thankful to God; of course, you’ve got to get in touch with the Old Man in order to get anything done. … But you’ve got remember that you’ve got to get Him in there so as to get things started, open the door. Then the Master will take care of it. But this is my approach to it, because any time that I get a … I usually – in other words, if I don’t always just believe what I see to be true the first time, I’ll go and ask the Old Boy. He can come up with the same answer I did. If he does, I’m pretty sure of that, because some things get pretty complex amongst a whole group of people. Because when you do something with one person, you know sometimes it gives these reflective actions to many others. You’ve got to make sure that you know what you’re calling your shots with.

And healing, you have the same thing. You want to be sure that you don’t upset the apple cart of the family too, in healing, you try not to do anything that’s going to disturb them. Sometimes you go out of your way to do things piecemeal or something, so to speak, rather than upset the family, you know, because if you’ve got youngsters in the family, why, when the mother gets upset, why, the kids are going to feel it, you see. This is one of the great things that you’ll find in family life and healing of, in family life, that is not paid anywhere near enough attention to: that young people, until they’re 21 or – 18 or 21 between that time, sometimes sooner, sometimes later – that there’s a tie with their mother, and the emotions of the mother is felt in the child. I don’t care whether they’re boy or girl, doesn’t make any difference, and whether they’re six foot or four foot, it doesn’t make one bit of difference; it’s felt just the same. Yes?

Q: Does it work the opposite way?

You mean if the child has problems that the mother feels it? Oh sure, sure. That’s the protective nature of the female, and that’s the way it is. It’s going to be that way for a long time, until they get to the logical points of things. And of course, the thymus gland, when it finally shrivels up and dries up, why, and gets blown away, why then you don’t have that reaction there. This is a perfectly natural and normal function and that’s the way it works. Yes?

Q: [mostly inaudible] … you don’t have the vicious cycle any more that you were talking about in class … his mother ….

Yes, but he’s still got resentment, unless he gets to understand what’s taken place, and he looks at it just the way it is and says, “Look, I’m this old now. It’s time I stopped fussing around about whether my mother likes this or that. It’s just tough luck. This is my gal and I’m going out with her. I pay the freight, so I’m going out with her.”

Q: … go out with the girl the first time after you healed him, he wouldn’t have that same feeling again.

That’s right. He might not have the same feeling, but he’d go home that night, or the next day she’d say, “Well, John, who were you out with last night?” He’d say, “Well, Laura,” and she’d say, “Oh, anybody but Laura. I don’t understand how you will go out with her.” [laughter]

I can go that route a thousand times. I’ve seen this thing right along, many, many times. And you see the thing we must learn, a thing I’m trying to drive home – it’s not only just between the physician, the spiritual physician, and the patient, but it’s between the spiritual physician and everybody around him. And actually, we’ve got to get to the point, one of these days, where we take cognizance of what we say and what we think so that we don’t have a bad influence on everybody around us.


Q: [inaudible]

Well, you – yeah, I know, but you see when you get to working with the Infinite Intelligence, you will. You’ll know whether you should do this or that, pretty much. You’ll know whether it’s – you get to know whether this is a karmic condition or whether it isn’t. You may not go back and go into a deep contemplation and go back into the past and find out whether they came from France or Timbuktu or Mars or something else, but you’ll know that this is a karmic condition and you’ll leave it alone, you see. You’ll know whether this is the right way to do it or not, because the Self has its reactions here in your healing work. Yes?

Q: When you’re asked by someone to do a healing and it is a karmic situation, how do you, what do you say to the person … ?

I merely say one thing, “Pat, get down on your knees and start doing some praying and stop holding onto the things you’ve been holding onto for so many years, thus and so, and you’ll find out things will start to rectify themselves. And until you start to accept these things, there’s nobody going to give you any help. Or go to a doctor, at least, to get temporary help.” You see.

I don’t make any explanation. I just tell ’em what it is, and that way I don’t say “karma” or anything else. I just tell them this is it – just the way if a psychologist was psychoanalyzing you, he wouldn’t tell you why, he’d just tell you this is it. Now here we trace this, this and this, and that’s it. And because you said this, this and something or other, and so this was his conclusion. But we don’t talk about conclusions. This is it, that’s all; there it is. Don’t try to explain to the patient what you’re thinking is on things, because if you do, you’re only going to get rid of – the patient’s only going to get confused because if he knew as much, if he understood, he wouldn’t be sick, after all. If he understood, he wouldn’t be there in your presence for a healing.

And remember something: get busy on yourself. Get busy on yourself and start taking care of your own little problems. Start taking care of these things which you have physically; start taking care of them. Start getting them straightened out. Jesus said, “Physician, heal thyself.” There’s no better person in the world to practice on than yourself, because if you heal yourself then you know you can heal somebody else.

And the reflex systems of the body will work perfectly because the management and the functions on them are in the soul, and there isn’t any question about it. And we are going to study these reflex systems. But first I want you to get in your head, I can give you lessons from now until next year or two years from now, every week three or four, on healing alone. And when you get all through, you’ll be the poorest healer God that ever saw, because unless you work at it, unless you get your mind clear and your mind clean, you are not going to make the grade. And there is – it isn’t a question of whether you like to or not. You want to learn how to drive a car that somebody’s going to give you, you’d go out there and practice with it; and you’ve got to practice with this too. You’ve got to work at it and that’s the only way you’ll learn to do it.

You may falter those few times, but then you have learned. But don’t go out and practice in public, that’s for sure. You’re going to have to practice, you’re going to have to work, and you’re going to start to get acquainted with yourself so that you’ll know what it’s all about. There is no sense in anybody trying to go off in the idea of being a healer if they don’t start to work at it. Now just because you get a shiver running up your back don’t make you a healer, believe me. Because you can feel a little spirit moving don’t make you a healer, because there is something to the one thing, when you go into the ministry or if you take on the ministry of healing, just itself, you will find that there is something in the divine right which gives you added force and power and intelligence. Well all right, you tell ’em too.

There is no question but what you’re going to need it and you’re going to need all the confidence you can get. Because every time you look at a sick person, you’re going to get flutters, probably, and you’re going to have questions in your mind whether that something that’s running out of your hand and out of your head is really going to do anything. Oh, you can sit here and tell me that you know it’s right. You sit here and tell me that you’re convinced it’s right, and I know that you do know and I know that you are convinced. But you still haven’t done a darn thing, and you haven’t learned anything because you haven’t experienced the healing, either on yourself or on somebody else. And you must experience or you will not know it.

Now, discipline is always needed, badly. This is the reason why you do it, one of them, because when the spirit indicates “down here,” just because you put your hands on their head, that don’t mean you leave them there: you put ’em down there. And it doesn’t shout at you, it doesn’t come up in neon lights, it just very softly and very gently … And you catch it, you okay it, and you don’t question it, because you know that which was said, and you know it’s Christ. You do it.

So many people have the idea that if they go into healing or spiritual work that there is trumpets blowing, and moving pictures on the screen, and people talking to you through loud speakers, and I don’t know what else. [laughter] I’m sorry, it isn’t that way. Yes?

Q: If you go to heal a person, you never categorize … if it’s something that happened on the … past?

Well, I might within myself, because I have worked around diagnosis an awful lot, and I can see pretty well if a person is – and I wouldn’t tell them. But I am not interested in the disease anyway. I might do it because of some special sort of manifestation. I might say, ‘Well, hm, what is that?” and usually I’ll have the answer. And that wouldn’t hold any cognizance with my…. All I’m interested in is healing, that’s all, and getting to that source. Any other questions? Gee, I wish there were a hundred, because I want you to get this in your mind! You haven’t got it yet, and I know you haven’t because here I just got a class just a couple weeks ago that I asked for some simple symbolism that was manifest, and nobody still had it yet. Now, you haven’t got this thing any more than you had the other. Yes?

Q: If I had a healing started …

Nothing wrong with it.

Q: The way I look at it, if somebody was asking for a healing, because they just asked for it, it would be a lot better that you set them down and …

Well, might be. It might be a lot of the things that –

Q: You were talking about that man in Canada …

Yeah, he worked on their feet … Yes?

Q: [inaudible]

Well, of course, I also use usually prayer at home for a night or two until after it’s cleared up. Q: [inaudible]

That’s right. But usually if they begin to get relief, the family leaves them alone pretty much, and say a little prayer each night sort of bolsters things up, whether it’s direct prayer work or direct – using the light or something of that nature. It’s pretty much according to what the individual’s got. I might spend two hours {in conference with them?] too; this is possible, but I like to keep it so short as possible because you only confuse them anyway, telling too much. They’re just children after all. They can’t remember, or they don’t want to. Yes?


Start of audio recording #917 titled Healing II on website.


Q: I was wondering … ?

Well, the healing was performed, but of course sometimes the – sometimes the collection of matter … in the physical world might take a couple days, occasionally, especially if they’re badly run down. But the healing was done there, that’s for sure. Yes?

Q: Could you explain … ?

No, no. That’s an entirely different field. Yes, it is, but it’s not a field I get into with physiological things. I separate the two. That’s prayers.

Q: I just wondered if …

Yeah.  The word “treatment” is sometimes used in the place of prayer, because it is a treatment. It is a treatment, and this is a common word which is used, so sometimes we use it and let it go at that. Yes?  (something inaudible)

Q: So I mean their word is tired?


Q: Yeah, you know, like myself … sometimes like last night in class …

Sure, because your attention level goes down.

Q: Is that what the reason is … ?

Sure. No, it isn’t resentment exactly. It doesn’t have to be. It might be, but it’s mostly usually that the attention level goes down.

Q: How are you supposed to …

Just make up your mind that you’re going to stay with it, that’s all.

Q: You do that, then you go back to …

No, not necessarily. You set it into action. Yes?

Q: … fine breathing … ?

You mean shallow breathing, not deep breathing? Well now, here’s a place where confusion could come in, because you could say “fine breathing” and some Easterners would use the term “fine breathing” and they’d mean an entirely different thing than what we would call fine breathing.

Q: Well, like Dr. Sam says …

Now that’s something different. That’s just what I was starting to say, that fine breathing doesn’t mean shallow breathing. All right, it’s – yes?   (question inaudible)

Probably mass mind more than anything else.

Q: Yeah, we have a …

Well, this is probably due to the – a lot of the food you’ve had beforehand and the way you’ve lived.

Q: … spiritual powers … not right living habits.

Poor food habits for one thing, probably, or if you’d lived in a place where sometimes, where the, a specific type of water and vegetation was low in calcium.

Q: I thought it was “not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of it.”

It isn’t. But you can’t keep a good spiritual body on bread and butter. You’ve got to have minerals in it too.

Q: What I’m saying is that Jesus said, not by bread alone, but by …

That’s right. Not by bread alone. Alone. (laughter) Yes?

Q: Would you explain the function of the breath in the, function of your breathing in administering the healing?

I don’t know that I’ve got any breath when I heal. I don’t do anything. I just get out of the way and let her go.

Q: Don’t you breathe in … ?

I don’t have time to do what I do. Well, maybe I do breathe, I presume, but I don’t pay any attention to anything. Not a thing. No.

Q: … would the toxins coming out of your body have an effect on the teeth?

Oh, yes, long toxicity from eating lots of candy and lots of drugs and lots of liquor, all these sort of things that, they’ll raise Cain with the teeth because they destroy the calcium content.

Q: Coming out, on the way out, the toxins on the way out of your body coming through …

Well, you usually, oh, you can get a toxic mouth from that, yes, true, when your stomach is so bad, you can, yes.

Q: (inaudible) 

That’s right.

Q: Or if you get … teeth in bad shape, you know it and you can eat candy or anything else. Is that true? 

You cannot turn around and violate totally all the laws of nature and expect that the law of God is going to protect you. In other words, the body needs certain things, so if you’re a little bit less or a little bit more with them, it isn’t going to be a fine line. You’re not built, in other words, like a test tube, because you make a lot of these things within you.

Q: I was just saying, Father, that I thought you had power over these things, power with these elements …

You do.

Q: All right, then it says that the laws … a vacuum, and you have a need … Well, I will not, you know, have any trouble with my teeth.

Well, that’s all right, but don’t wait until the teeth are all gone, though. (laughter) Well, this is true. I mean I’ve had people come in with a tooth that was rotted down to the gum line and asked me if they could get a new tooth.

Q: Well, I’m saying I taught myself that I’d never have any trouble with my teeth …

Well, that’s all right, I know that.

Q: Because I’ve already thought … that pattern.

All right, fine; it will do so. Like the man who studies religious science here, that I’ve spoken of before, I’m sure, that died at the early age of about 89 or 90, or someplace along in there. And he never had a sick day for the last 70 years or better. And they performed an autopsy and found at least, my memory on this, at least four major killing diseases. One of them was cancer, one of them was arterial sclerosis, and a couple of others that were just as serious, that should have killed him 50 years ago. But he still was healthy and happy. Well, this was because the power of his mind was there that kept him in shape.   (inaudible question)

Well, of course he didn’t have the power of sight either.

Q: Why would he not recognize these diseases in his body?

He wasn’t manifesting them outside; they were there. He probably got them a long time ago and didn’t even know it and didn’t pay any attention to it, and his mind was strong enough that he was well, and that’s the way he stayed. Yes?

Q: Can you heal somebody by the way you talk to them, with your voice?

Oh sure. That’s quite an art though. Yes?

Q: I was going to ask you about – Grant and I met a guy on patrol in Haight and I don’t know what it was, like his feet were all bandaged up and everything and he said he’d like to be healed … , but I saw him on patrol last Saturday and … Well, anyway, he mentioned that his feet had healed in about three days. Was that just through the power of the Word?

Look, this is just exactly what I’m driving at. I teach you laws and I tell you things about the human body, and you can’t associate. This is just the same as those, that symbolism. Just about twenty minutes ago I got through talking about keeping your mind straight and your body radiation of your body would be a tremendous aid to the community. And you ask me if this was the power of the Word. Don’t you see? No, it’s natural.   (inaudible comments)

Then you said, “I know you can be healed.” He said, “Fine, I will be.” This is the guy’s thoughts, see? So he was. Hundred percent effective. You’ve got to remember that you can go into a place and set that place on fire with your thinking, without saying one word. If you could only learn this, why, this place would be so strong, they’d come from all over the world just to come inside the place. If you could learn to shut up. There’s an awful lot of strong people in this place, but there’s none of them can shut their mouth. If you want to talk with someone, discuss literature or events going on around you in places; but leave your spiritual experiences within yourself! And you’ll grow untold power. You’d be surprised what would happen with this place. Wow.

It’s – this is you. It’s the radiation of your mind, your bodies and your thinking. It’s just a job. You can speak mentally as well as audibly, you know. If you speak audibly that’s the flow of life force back into that person’s body. That’s the way once in a while I clip one of you over the ears and say, “shut up for three or four days”, because I’m – it isn’t because I mind your yapping, because I don’t listen to it anyway. But it’s just to get you back on the track so you can listen to your inner man. You talk so dam much that you dam everything inside of you. You do, this is the truth. Every time you speak and you start to string out a whole lot of talk for no reason at all, except maybe some venomous feelings towards somebody, you just block your, just block yourself. If you’ll just keep quiet, keep your spiritual experiences to yourself and shut up. If you want to talk, talk about something of the day, a piece of literature, any of these sort of things, this order’s brotherhood, anything of that nature; I don’t care what it is. We talk about these things to some extent. But don’t get to feel dependent on somebody else.

This is another thing in healing. You get so scared if you’re not talking to somebody that you don’t know what to do with yourself. Just don’t talk. You don’t care what you say, just as long as you talk, till you give off all your energy. You’ve got to learn to shut up. Be a man amongst men in this world, and then you’ll grow spiritual power and reality. You won’t have to tell anybody about it; they’ll darn well know it. You haven’t got to explain your wonderful spiritual experiences to anybody so they’ll know it. All you’ve got to do is just live, and do the things you should do, and it will be known. It will be known. And you’ll gain strength, spiritually and physically. And you’ll start to get so that you’ll live without troubles, because nine-tenths of them are done by your talking anyway, that’s for sure. Yes? What’s that?

Q: You never … Can you also heal by using your spiritual body?

Explain yourself.

Q: Well, could you use your spiritual body to correct a condition in somebody else’s body? Can you do that?

Well, I don’t know that I – I’m trying to get what you’re trying to ask. I’ve got a spiritual body; it’s pretty busy holding the flesh together right now, but –

Q: I mean could you, like, reach into someone else’s body to correct the balance in their body?

Oh, sure, sure.  (inaudible question) You want to do that without reaching in.

Q: How would you, say, fix a body out of line?

All you can do is get the muscles to stretch and then it will go back in place. Yes?

Q: You heal … prayer …

That’s what the Master said, anyway.

Q: You just ask … ask for this person to heal …

You don’t ask him to be healed, you just say he is healed. That’s right. He said thy word shall become flesh, didn’t he? All right. Yes?

Q: When that healer came in, he said that – a long time ago when you had that healer come in and give a class on healing?

Oh, yeah, that was quite a while ago.

Q: Yeah, he did a restructure of somebody’s whole face, or of structure of the whole bone and …

I’m not questioning that at all.

Q: He said he sends off somebody to go look in the mirror and they say, “I don’t believe it,” and it falls right back again.

Yeah, because you can work on the physical body and it works on the spiritual body, with the spiritual body, because you can work on a person on the operating table on his spiritual body.

Q: … Father, if you had that much knowing that “thy word shall become flesh,” that means you could have control with other people.

If you’re a d. fool, yes.

Q: Yeah, I know, but I mean as far as healing is concerned, Father. … and you could actually impose your knowing over this person.

Why would I want to do that? I wouldn’t want to impose anything. I just ask for healing.

Q: Is this how far you could go, though.

OK as far as it goes, a person, that’s what the law says, so it must be. That’s what it must be, either that, you see – the funny part of it is, in this business, you can’t – again, going right back to the same old cliché – you can’t be on both sides of the fence at the same time. You either do or you don’t believe. You either do know or you don’t know, one or the other. You’re either on God’s side of the fence, or you aren’t, and that’s all there is to it; it’s that simple.  There’s no question about it, there are no half-ways, you can’t straddle the fence. It won’t work. Yes?

Q: When you speak of natural law, I was wondering, in what sense is this a law? Is it part of the working of the powers that were set … ?

The original laws, the laws of cause and effect, the law of trinity, the law of …, and so forth.

Q: You said something like, well, the body needs certain things … the law.

This is the way it was originally created. That’s the pattern of its creation.

Q: … it’s still the law of cause and effect, but it’s been set …

God created the original body. This is the way He made it; and then man, as he progressed through evolution, changed the form and the content in accordance with the needs and demands that were needed in the body. So when he came into this life he changed it this much, and so that this was different, a little bit, and because that’s what he needed.  And gradually, through the years, why the body changed its structure and needs.

Q: The body has evolved from what man …

What he was originally?

Q: Yeah, what … he had a certain –

In other words, when he was just what we read in the last few lessons. If you’re in the Cro-Magnon area, you’re Cro-Magnon, and their body has not built up a content as it does now. The Eskimos have got a different content and a little different function because they eat blubber and everything, and they get along perfectly all right.  The body has a means of assimilation and – it’s the same organs, but they function in that added difference, just as in the … this is the way they function.

Q: Is this in accordance with the Darwin theory?

No, it is not. If you listen, it does not go … go in accordance with Darwin at all.

Q: It’s more like the older theory.

It’s the only theory that exists.  The only thing, it’s got twisted up with one thing when they got to the monkeys and apes, why, they forgot them. Man didn’t come from an animal.

Q: That … Darwin theories … changes came about through –


Q: Not needs, but what gave a … environment.

Isn’t that need? Yes?

Q: How long has the race of man been on the planet?

The race of man? Oh, human. That’s a pretty long time. Humans have been quite a while.

Q: Now, what is the differentiation between the race of man and human?

Human has been here quite a while, but the race of man is another thing.

Q: Was the race of man more the spirit part of the body?

No, but there are other beings here that were not originally here. They are not from the same man.

Q: You mean they’re not here now.

They’re not human, they weren’t.

Q: Right. El man, or … ?


Q: One other question. Did this physical body that we earn now evolve from the one-celled organisms that … ?

No, no.

Q: So everything else evolved from the sea, we’ll say.  … man …

God created man out of the dust of the earth, period. The air and the water. That’s the way He made it, that’s the way He created it.

Q: So then He started the Garden of Eden. Is that – ?

That’s something else again.

Q: Did He create different parts of the world, or just suddenly like – ?

That’s a long story.  That’s a matter of the flood and various other things that happened at different times. But the man originally was created by the Father. The human. Yes?

Q: I always thought that healing was a matter of the power going through you into the person.

Sometimes, yes.

Q: What about sucking it out of them though? It seems like you could do that.

What would you want to take anything out of them for?

Q: Well, there’s the negativity …

Well, you will eliminate the negativity. You can drive that out, yes.

Q: … It seems like I’ve seen a reference to that.

You’re talking about the casting out of demons.

Q: Well, taking on, taking on. It seems like you have the wrong idea. You took on some of these things. … atmosphere or whatever, and you got rid of it. See what I mean?

Well, he might have done that in a few cases. But if he was going to do something like that, you’d better be pretty all-fired acquainted with what you’re doing. You’re liable to have a bad deal.

Q: Well, the reason I’m asking and everything is the healing process and the flow of the power.  Is there ever suction where you draw something … ?

No, not unless I take an entity out of a person.

Q: Now we’ll draw people who are not high on standards, … draw people who are negative.

Well, that might be. Because they have something, you have something they need.

Q: Well, if a person’s sick, wouldn’t that be the same thing? The same negativity?

No. No, they’ve got something of a chemical form here, and a vibrational form, so you remove the condition of the body and then you try to get them to change their thinking so that you can remove the vibrational pattern entirely. You can say, well, “Remove all negation from this individual”, and that’s what will happen. I don’t say how long it’s going to stay that way. If he tried hard enough.

Q: … body, it would pop right back.

I’m not just interested in healing the body, but I know that the vital body is down in its potential energy. When it holds and allows certain pathology to congregate in certain areas, which they call disease, according to the vibration of it.

Q: Don’t you feel the vibration of the spiritual body … ?

No. Raise the energy of it, yes.

Q: Raise the energy of it, and then it is manifested or reflected in the physical body.  That’s the process, right?

That’s right.

Q: That’s the process, right? How do you help heal the spiritual body, or raise up the energy of it?

You don’t heal it. You raise the energy of it.

Q: How do you help … ?

You don’t suck anything out, no. Yes?

Q: Oh, I see. … That’s just, that’s the soul. In that case he was pulling something out because … the soul was causing that … karmic condition…

Yeah, it would be in that case. Yes?

Q: What is the definition of man?

Man? That’s a good one for you to meditate on. I’ve got one definition, but I won’t tell you, that’s for sure. That’s my secret. Yes?

Q: Taking a word like “man”, defining it, would you take the meaning of the word, of the M , then the A and N?

Oh, you mean the hieroglyphics?

Q: Yeah, the symbolic …

Yes, sure you can. It shows you the potential in the actions and so forth. This is true. Yes? All right, boys, it’s quarter after eight.

(end of class)

[after a pause the tape resumes with part of another lecture, unfinished. This was not a class, but he was just recording a lesson, reading from some material, as follows:]

This is lesson three of the lessons of healing. It would be well for each of us to take a good look at a diagram of a book, physiology book, and see the digestive system, that you may better appreciate this beautiful creation of our Father. It is a regular mechanical system for turning food into blood and other elements which are needed by the physical body for the chemicals and the mechanical maintenance of the body, building bone and tissue and other elements and parts of the body.

This mechanical arrangement of digestion is so wondrously made, and it is a thing which the human mind has tried to conceive for some time, but has never been able to equal in any laboratory, chemical or biological, either one, as it is the means of converting the elements into those things which man needs as he works and thinks and performs his service. For man has never learned the secrets of what actually happens in some parts of this marvelous system.

Take, for instance, the mouth.  The mouth is constructed for various purposes. The roof of the mouth and the cavities above and below the nose and near the eyes are necessary for the production of sound in speaking and singing. The so-called cold in the head affects the sound of the voice, as you will know. Its adjoining parts of the mouth are marvelous from the standpoint of sound. Also the greatest engineers have never been able to construct an artificial device equal to the throat and mouth for the production of sound, which many times has been tried. Also, the construction of the ears for receiving the sounds. Yet this same mouth is also constructed mechanically and chemically for the first action in digestion of food. Let us go over them very lightly.

Number one: there are teeth of various sizes, located in such a way as to give the uttermost facility for biting and chewing the food. Breaking the food into smaller particles mechanically with the teeth is one of the most important parts of the stages of digestion. We have small sharp teeth for cutting soft and medium-hard foods in small pieces. We have a few large teeth at the side for the gripping of strong, tough pieces of food, and pulling them apart. And we have the larger teeth for the grinding coarser foods.

It is important to note that our teeth have no other function except for that of mastication of flesh. Animals that do not eat flesh do not have these teeth; and if man had not been intended to live – had been intended to live on vegetation alone, he would have never had or been given these teeth. In fact, while man has evolved from primitive habits and nature, he has eliminated many unnecessary features of his body, and many of them have changed. Nature has not yet eliminated these teeth, used for the mastication of flesh or meat, thus indicating that man is prepared by nature or by God’s law, to eat and digest flesh. Therefore, meat-eating cannot be an inconsistency or a prohibited thing. Otherwise, we would have eliminated it from our bodies when we had reincarnated.

In addition to chewing the food well, there are certain juices that come into the mouth that are ready and, with the motivation of taste and various odors, this so-called saliva mixes with the food, and it has a great deal to do with our taste buds. These fluids come freely of their own accord, so to speak, as a result of reflex nerve action or, in other words, mental action. Here we have a first demonstration of mind’s control over the functions of the human body.

We all know popular sayings that certain articles of food look or smell so tempting and make the mouth water. Well, it is a fact; it does. For as we eat, or start to eat, the saliva and acids flow into the mouth so that the mouth will be filled with these acids and the saliva before the food is put into the mouth. The object is to have this saliva and the acids mix with the food while we are chewing it as a preparation. This con–

[the recording ends here]