In the Second Level Study Plan you received additional spiritual exercises and meditations. You are reminded here to continue your work with these exercises and meditations as you have before. And practice makes perfect!Read more
The use of this exercise is for those who have advanced to the point of working with the Self but need to learn a higher degree of concentration.Read more
As the days and weeks go by, you will be charmed with the beautiful sounds that you can hear whenever you sit down in complete relaxation. You will notice that these many spiritual sounds will not disturb you or come clearly to you during the hours when you are busy and active, for there must be a certain degree Read more
The result of this exercise, if practiced as directed, will be a clearing up of the functioning of the nose in its breathing, a checking of any colds in the head, a development of the sensitive nature of the nerves in the nose to where you will detect odors more easily, and it will also clear up the ears and make Read more
As the thyroid gland improves its functioning, the aura becomes larger and stronger, and personal magnetism is one of the first impressive elements that strangers notice in such a person. For this reason, I will give you a number of secret methods whereby you can cause your thyroid gland to come to your aid and Read more
The feet of man on the earth tread on a small space, but going on to where he has not trod before, he traverses a great distance easily; so his knowledge is small, but going on to what he does not already know, he comes to know what is meant by Heaven.Read more
The mind should be filled as much as possible with thoughts of the coming into the body of a God power that has not been there before. For this reason, the reading of any light fiction books or the going to the theatre, and seeing plays, or the reading of newspapers with all of their sordid reports should be avoided.Read more