Without the existence of fire there would be no material composition in the universe. To appreciate this statement thoroughly we must first analyze and agree upon what we mean by the term fire.Read more
Without the existence of fire there would be no material composition in the universe. To appreciate this statement thoroughly we must first analyze and agree upon what we mean by the term fire. We do not necessarily mean the violent chemical action that attends the combustion of the ingredients of fuel with the Read more
This Second Level of instructions is for those people who have had conventional church teachings, and have studied some of the New Thought teachings. For, it is meant to be a science, and not a philosophical religion as is commonly called religion. It is, and does, conform with the teachings of the basic world Read more
Everything in nature — in God's world — is and does function by and through certain few basic laws. These laws are just as 2 + 2 = 4, or any other rule or formula of arithmetic, chemistry, and the engineering principles of your automobile.Read more
We have been able (through our past lessons in symbolism) to see and know that all things which manifest have two principles, or two different polarities. Like the poles of a magnet, there is a positive and a negative pole. In form, we see this literally.Read more
Level II of instructions is for those acquainted with a church and some New Age techniques. These are scientific teachings based upon proven facts taught by many great teachers and masters. These teachings encompass — in word and essence — the teachings of the Holy Bible, the Cabala (or Kabbalah), the Talmud, and Read more
The break-through of consciousness for people was the fire. Thus, out of it evolved the teachings of the Word and the Eternal Flame. This is not something without a divine substance and basis. If you could see it in the atmosphere around you, you could see from whence comes the Life Force.Read more
The word communication is a very interesting one. It is the connecting link between the past life experience and the existing lives we are now living — as individuals, as races, as nations, and, most of all, as the expressions of the Great Master Creator!Read more
In this world and between Worlds, we have a problem of communication. If there exists a problem of communication, it makes it doubly hard to have peace, because people who do not understand their neighbor certainly do not feel safe to relay their thoughts and know they agree.Read more
This week we are going to see that there is yet another kind of communication and that this is a method of reaching the Great Creative Force of the World, or This Solar System. This is really Cosmic Telepathy of Scientific Prayer.Read more