We have called these studies a science because it relates to the use of the tools God gave man, and how to use the force and power of God and its various manifestations.Read more
A mediator is a go-between, one who interposes between two parties in order to harmonize or reconcile them. The great Christ is the Mediator of this solar system. He diffuses unto all of creation the Light, Life and the Charity of the Father.Read more
In the previous lesson we learned of the Creative force and the power of the spoken word. This gives to man a choice and control of his life, which we will learn of in the lessons on the Law as taught by Jesus in the Second Level Lessons.Read more
In accordance with the usual stages of growth and manifestation, it is necessary that man understand the more realistic approach in that philosophy, or the teachings in the New Testament are not merely words of guidance, but also, within them are held some of the secrets of creation.Read more
Occult teachings give a dual explanation concerning the emanation and constitution of the Universe. They state that in Nature, there exists a directive Intelligence, plus a Sustaining Life and a Creative Will. Secondly, they inform us concerning the existence, nature, and function of certain individual embodiments Read more
Sacraments are tools used by ordained priests to bring recipients to a more purified and ennobled conscious life through the grace of God. They were created to form a bridge between ourselves and our Creator in order to move the creative powers of the Nameless One.Read more
The Holy Order of MANS has been given a great blessing in this New Age by receiving the Mass of the Christos through revelation from Jesus Christ. An ordained priest guides a student towards receiving the Christ light. When this Light is sufficiently evident in the student’s body, the priest seals this Light Read more