Tonight, we shall touch the first part of the study on the soul. I think the question probably most important in your mind is to say what is it? Let us learn first what, or how…what is it?Read more
One of the most confusing things any student has to contend with is when somebody starts talking about soul, and then the individuality, reality, actuality and all the other "alities," one sort of feels that he has been subdivided, divided and subdivided. Well, this is not wholly so. You are all one in God.Read more
Down through the years and in the course of our striving to attain initiation, in other words, obtain illumination by the Light of Christ and the divine Christos through our Lord Jesus Christ, we have heard many instructions about letting go and letting God, about our killing the ego, and many other things of this Read more
This School shows how to reconstruct the flesh body, by applying Bible truths to our consciousness we are able to attune our bodies to higher rates of vibration.Read more
The Word is ever present—ever misunderstood and ever in action and in rest, and gives, when understood, Life unto the Dead—Strength unto the Weak. Pronounce it not, for it is worthless unto any who know not its correct pronunciation or manner of such, or when and how it should be used.Read more
In the beginning was God, and we are not interested, of course, where God began, or when. But we are interested in God, for it was the Word He gave that is the creative Cause, first started in function. And this also is the beginning of any created thing, either of God, the Hierarchy, or man.Read more
The Word as spoken of in Genesis, and in the first chapter of John, both refer to the spoken Word of God. The Word can be either written or spoken with equal effect. So consider the following facts of it.Read more
The tongue, the two-edged sword, with its vibration and the sounding box of the roof of the mouth, produces radiation, or waves of sound, so when words are spoken, there is actual energy going out from it, and emits into the atmosphere as the mouth moves and forms the opening which permits the wave vibrations to Read more
All through the holy Testament, all through all of the teachings of Jesus through the Testament and the ancient mystery teachings runs the Great Golden Thread of the mental law.Read more