Tree of Life – Level 2, Lesson 7: The Way 3

Tree of Life – Level 2, Lesson 7: The Way 3

Tree of Life Lessons – The Way


The things I wonder oft are
How many rivers, how many seas,
How many times have I wished to be
At some other river, some other sea,
Some other time that might be
Meant for me.

  1. It is not what is written in a paragraph of a lesson that teaches you but it is what is stimulated that brings you to Truth.
  2. Keep on the Way, never look back, never run. If I think, I cannot be receptive to the Father.
  3. For each he came here from afar, and planted the tree where it would grow, and lo, the fruit was much and many. Why not pick it so more may grow, for the other people as they move to and fro.
  4. Although you stay and make yourself as useful as you can in those things that are dedicated to the service and work of God, the mind is the dreamer of the threshold and it has helped to create that dreamer. It will try to keep you so busy that you will not get a chance to look across that threshold or enter it.  The teacher’s needlessness becomes the need of the individual student.
  5. For I can say to you, I can tell you do this, for as you do this with your mind, the initiations will start, but they will not get anywhere until you truly live them. Light bringeth light unto the darkness, but the darkness bringeth not darkness to the light.
  6. Always be positive, not timid, for timidity is not humility: for in humility, there is power.
  7. Remember, meditation is not the pastime of weaklings but the workbench of masters, where things are created in the likeness of God.
  8. All is in the Mind of God except what man has miscreated.
  9. Remember, virginity does not give chastity: chastity is in the Spirit.
  10. Remember that Light is the password that opens doors.
  11. If you pray too much you infer doubt on the first prayer and create a new doubt and have to pray for that; but if you pray constantly you have but one prayer and there is no doubt.
  12. Prayer is of three kinds: mental; vocal; and positive action.
  13. It requires Light to find safe and sound realization of the Self. When Jesus said, “Sell all you have and follow me,” He meant to get rid of all the assumptions and comprehensions you have and not to keep one foot on the fence. In other words, you don’t forget your service and obedience, not only to your teacher but also to the Father.You had better be obedient to it and you had better give it full service right down the line.


  1. To want not only to journey but also to arrive there, nothing helps but the will to go; but to will vigorously and wholeheartedly not to turn and toss this way and that. A will struggling, one part leading and the other following, is a man who has not given all to the Master.
  2. We are all seeking entrance to the path, every student of mystic lore or every adept, every seeker advances desiring to enter the path. Each has heard of the word path or way of opening, with significance primarily to instruct us for the journey.

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