The Priesthood is a solar initiation. As such, it is independent of any earthly organization or institution. And its range of function is unlimited in terms of vocation, unfettered by worldly expectations of the priestly role in society.Read more
The Golden Dawn lessons are a deep dive into the Ancient Wisdom Teachings from both a historical perspective and the way they informed the teachings and activities of the Holy Order of MANS. IRead more
The teachings of the Holy Order of MANS are rooted in antiquity. They have been handed down to us by those whose labors have earned them a permanent residence on the plane of existence adjacent to the Earth Plane, from which they can instruct and guide us in our service to God and humanity.Read more
Known in the Holy Order of MANS as Father Paul, Dr. Earl W. Blighton’s chromotherapy work was largely experimental. These lessons are a compilation of his notes along with supplementary information from a variety of sources.Read more
In the Second Level Study Plan you received additional spiritual exercises and meditations. You are reminded here to continue your work with these exercises and meditations as you have before. And practice makes perfect!Read more
This is the Second Level Spiritual Exercises – Part 2. Again, you are reminded here to continue your work with them as you have before. The experience you receive from them will be determined by the diligence of your practice.Read more