Tree of Life – Level 1, Lesson 2: Prayer 1

Tree of Life – Level 1, Lesson 2: Prayer 1

tree of life spiritual teachings

Prayer is the scientific method of communication to our Creator, scientific in that Jesus said, “Whatsoever ye ask in my name shall be given unto you,” and anything that is scientific—that means you get results each and every time—the Law of Prayer works each and every time. This shows the eternalness of the giving of the Father—that all you ask is given to you.

The scientific method of prayer is: before you pray, you know what you are going to pray for. You know in detail that which you want. Draw a mental picture of what you need for there can be no confusion in your mind as to what you want.

Then, you establish contact with the Father. When this contact is established, you can feel it for He is here closer than your hands and feet.

Getting in contact with the Father is like contacting your friends. When the phone rings, the person on the other end of the line picks up the receiver. Upon the picking up of the receiver, you know that contact has been made without his saying a word. As in the mechanics of the phone—the wire being the contact between you and your friend—so your thought is the wire between you and God.

When you have established contact, then you ask that which you want or need. You ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then, as Jesus said, “Whatever ye ask in my name shall be given unto you.” What you have asked for is then yours. It has already been given to you so you go on about your business and forget about it, or, as the students say, you let go and let God. But, thank the Father for what He gave you, for it was His power and His force that brought this into your life.

The Law of Prayer is shown in the symbol of the Triangle giving you a picture of what it looks like graphically:

sacred triangle

When you contacted the Father, you were at the uppermost part of this triangle marked the Father. When you asked for what you wanted, you moved your consciousness from the Father point of the triangle to the Son (Sun) point of the triangle. When you received that which you asked for, this is shown in the motion from the Son through the Holy Spirit—the third point of the triangle.

For many thousands of years, the triangle has been used for this purpose so that man could see the action of this Great Being he is living within.

The Master Jesus manifested the second point of this triangle—the Son (Sun), which St. John called the Logos, or the Word. The Son is the eternal word of the Father. At this point of the Law, you use the Word as Jesus said: “The Father gave unto Me the Word so I give it unto you.”

This triangle shows the action of God—from the Father to the Son, then, to the Holy Spirit. So, in using the Law, you must start with the Father by contacting Him.

In the New Testament, Jesus talked about the Pharisees and their prayers—how they would stand on the street corners and make long and beautiful prayers so that those around them would hear them. They forgot to contact the Father. For if they had, their prayers would have been fulfilled.

The science of the statement Jesus made of “Whatsoever ye ask in my name shall be given unto you,” is nature abhors a vacuum. For, your asking creates a vacuum which shall be fulfilled. A vacuum is a space, or something, that is missing. The Word creates the physical vacuum which is physically fulfilled.

The Law of Prayer—being scientific—is also extremely simple. For if man would use pure logic—the reasoning of a child—he would have known his Creator and would have all his prayers answered.

Prayer is a tool for all man. It is one of your tools of life whereby you can govern your life and control your personal universe—accepting into your life that which you desire and rejecting all negative things for your health.

For man is not a ship on a storm-tossed sea—being tossed to and fro at the slightest whim. He is a creator who designs his own destiny. For without the knowing and use of the Law of Prayer, it is an impossibility for man to be the creator he is.



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