We have called these studies a science because it relates to the use of the tools God gave man, and how to use the force and power of God and its various manifestations.Read more
Occult teachings give a dual explanation concerning the emanation and constitution of the Universe. They state that in Nature, there exists a directive Intelligence, plus a Sustaining Life and a Creative Will. Secondly, they inform us concerning the existence, nature, and function of certain individual embodiments Read more
As part of your training in the Holy Order of MANS, you will receive spiritual exercises designed to develop latent faculties in your thinking, feeling, and willpower. Just as an athlete has a workout routine, you will have an inner routine, one that will prepare you for the enhanced experiences you will have as Read more
The initiatory narrative is an adventure story that has embedded within it the elements of spiritual growth. This adventure story was referred to by Joseph Campbell as the Hero’s Journey. The story itself is an allegory of spiritual growth. The initiatory narrative embedded within the story is the personal Read more