The Way: Light Illumination and Initiation


Father Paul Blighton, Holy Order of MANS
And now about the series of lessons we are starting, they are the highest lessons of this order. They are simple lessons, somewhat childish, and you will note from reading them that they are intended to be read by those students wishing to attend, wishing to attain their rightful place amongst those who are the
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The Third Degree

Father Paul Blighton, Holy Order of MANS
Tonight we are going to talk on the third degree. Now this third degree—if you were to talk to a Mason of the Masonic order, he would tell you it was the final degree of the blue lodge, and this degree—in the first three degrees of any initiatory school and in the first three degrees of earth's solar experiences
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The Awakening

Father Paul Blighton, Holy Order of MANS
Tonight I'm going to talk about the awakening, along with the other things that happen. To man, this is perhaps the most important moment of his entire cycle of many lives. Most people do not understand what the awakening is.
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