Book of Order – Chapter 4: The Order

Book of Order – Chapter 4: The Order

HOOM History Book of Order

The Order is the second manifestation of the Body of Jesus Christ. Not in a single personage or Being, but by combining those who will serve without qualification for the betterment of the Whole.

My brethren let there be not separation among us. Let’s not be of ourselves independent, but rather yearn for the presence of Christ in Order.

I have sat and listened to discussion and felt a burning as of the presence of Christ within me shouting that there be Order, not separation.

We have been asked to lead mankind in the quest of his own God-self in the light of truth, which is in Christ Jesus. This we know to be true and real, having experienced it ourselves.

Our objective is carried out in the above manner in manifesting the reality of what is the Body of Christ, and to bring or raise it up as the Body of Christ in completion, in accord with the creative pattern presented some 2,000 years earlier by our Master Jesus, who was Christed.

Let us remember we of ourselves are but messengers of that same Christos. Not of ourselves a thing, but a segment of a divine Being in a particular plane of manifestation having but one function, not many but one, to glorify the Most High God in Unity and Peace.


Let this be as your chapter of Hebrews, only of this day and this Order. For this shall be the ninth chapter of the Book of Mans. (It is like the ninth chapter of Hebrews.)

For in this day, thou shalt not pay heed to the way a Holy Order has been previously conducted, but shall pay heed unto my Word, for it is a Law unto you.

For ye need only to be militant in the way of being at all places, always going forth. For thy presence shall speak as much as thy Word.

Heed ye every word thou speakest with feeling, for it shall manifest.

Require each man to serve four years, regardless of the time he studies, before he goes into any outside ministry of another organization.

He, who would carry my mark and would carry the shield of my Order, must be truly tested, so spare not the rod.

Thy rod shall be thy word, and thou shalt send him or her to places for tests, and they shall be found not wanting.

For to be in this outer world of negation after serving under thy mantle shall be their test.

For truly I say unto you, he that can stand alone amongst the children of men, should have no fear to brave the depths of the earth or the fire of hell.

This Solar System has a form, an orderly form; this planet has a form – an orderly form. We ourselves have an orderly form when it is left alone to manifest. Common to all is the same form and Order.

Let it be known throughout the Order that this Holy Order seeketh not power, which it already has, but the holiness, which shall lead to completion of the Work.

Seek not thine own elevation, but seek to become as a carrier pigeon to all the earth. Know ye that ye have been given much, and of him is much expected.

You in this Holy Order are performing a duty and a service to mankind very similar to that which I so desired to do in those days. But not having the facilities or the ways of being able to substantiate it, and only three years of ministry in that place, therefore it was necessary for me to leave a lasting record and a lasting understanding, so that others of this day might go forth with this work and reach into the reality, and gain the understanding of my Father’s world, and that which I am trying to bring unto the people at large – to all my sheep.

A Holy Order is a group of men who adheres to a system that is absolutely complete in the wholeness of Creation.

The word “Order” means that it is following the order and purpose of men, and of the universe.

This is the point at which our unity stands, and this is our unity – otherwise it is nothing. This is a world order.

The Order is an organism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you take a vow to the Order of the Golden Cross, or Melchisedec . . . this is under the Masters of Heaven.

Aids on the Way

Forget you are an individual; assume the Way of Christ.

Learn that one thing is always necessary – direct obedience to the teacher or priest. Questions are fine, but obedience in action leads to light in fulfillment of the deed.

When walking from one place to another, know that this is like a man’s spiritual advancement. For he can only go as far as he can see and as fast as his legs can carry him. Therefore, let there be no end in sight – only the service of God, for this makes short legs long and strong.

When one feels he is all alone, know that He too is one with you, as you are one with God.

The calling to the HOLY ORDER and Priesthood is genuine when the fulfillment of the understanding comes through the service to man. The call is received from the God Being or the Greater Brotherhood.

In wandering, in wondering, there is but one answer. God is all, as all, giving all to all, and this is the secret, which will be known by all who come through the great gates of this school.

In walking on THE WAY, remember that stumbling on the stones is only finding out where you placed the blocks.


The Order was conceived through revelation and evolved from the findings of a fact-finding group of professional people interested in the welfare of man for not only the present, but the future. Many years of work, teaching, lecturing and personal service preceded the legal founding of the Order in 1968. The founding work actually started in 1961, the preliminary work having extended 30 years earlier.

Here in San Francisco, under the leadership of Dr. Earl W. Blighton, and with great spiritual guidance, it was officially recorded as a corporation on July 24, 1968.

Dr. Blighton’s previous social and church work prepared him well for the particular work of the Order. He had been ordained many years earlier, and carried forward the ancient rites in conjunction with his divine calling to the field.

Dates of Interest

First Brotherhouse of permanent students of the Order: November 1966, 7 room flat was rented at 39 Guerrero St.; San Francisco, California.

First permanent headquarters: 20 Steiner Street, Leased November 1967, bought 1970.

First HOLY ORDER OF MANS Charter as an independent entity, sealed at Sacramento, California, 11:15 AM, PDT, July 24, 1968.

Last time the entire Order membership was able to gather at one table: November 28, 1968, Thanksgiving.

First property purchased for the Order, 910 Steiner St., Autumn, 1968, (a few moved in early December)

First out-of-state Mission Centers begun: February, 1969 – Rev. Canright and Br. Speer to Honolulu. March 1969 Revs. Martin and Denise Swanson to Chicago. First two women missionaries went to Wichita, Kansas – Sisters Mary Rule and Toyoko Fukushima.


The Holy Order of Mans is an organization of men and women who are banded together to promote a more thorough understanding of the divine laws of God and of Creation, and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ with the ancient Christian Mysteries as a revealed teaching of this day, in accordance with the Testament and the words of our Lord Jesus that “all the mysteries shall be revealed”.

The Order is by nature Pauline Catholic because it follows the works of Paul as he brought the churches together and to bring about the unity between them in what was then known as the Christian Church.

This work was done by the Apostle Paul in the first century of Christianity.

The Master Jesus is considered and accepted by all as the Master of this Order, who has directed the Order and its growth, by revelation given to member priests.

The word “MANS” is an acronym formed of component words whose initials are of esoteric value and therefore a striving of the whole Order.

The strivings of the Order are in the Prayer of the Brothers.

The reason and purpose of this Order is for the teaching of the Universal Law of Creation in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the other great avatars; and for the bringing together of all men, one in united purpose and brotherhood for the service of all men to each other and to God, through a framework of the Order and groups of all men in teaching a Universal approach to God, Creation and Man.

The above is accomplished by a series of centers or brotherhood houses for the purpose of teaching and other necessary facilities. Cities and towns will provided with street patrols and service to the general public, including work with teenagers and service to people of all walks of life.


The key word of the Order is Service to the Creator through service to all fellow man. To serve his spiritual needs:

Serving the Sacraments as they were given by the Master Jesus.

Service by teaching all to use the tools given by the Father to each man and woman.

Service by defending the Truth with peace and the Light of Christ.

Service to man by healing through the Power of the Spirit, as all are taught the use of the gifts of the Spirit as described by Paul in the twelfth chapter of I Corinthians.

We do not preach in the street. We conduct patrols whereby members are on the streets available to all for counseling, direction, or whatever. The Order maintains community aid stations to provide for those in need of food, shelter or clothing, without charge. This is a community service for both men and women, and many people are referred to the Order’s aid program by local agencies, churches and the Social Service Department.

Students Purpose:

For he that is guided shall be well disciplined and he that is well disciplined shall be well guided by the Spirit.

“The Order is also a place where a student may receive the necessary discipline and work needed for spiritual growth and advancement that he may find the true Realization of the God SELF and thus gain freedom from all earthly bondage and gain greater grace.”

ACTIVITY – Revelation

I give unto you a new law – it is a law of the Spirit. It is the Law of Activity.

Out of the depths of the Self shall come many new ordinances. For as I have said, thy rod and thy staff shall comfort thee. Now I say, thy rod and thy staff give thy way life and thou shalt go forth and bring the glory of the Father into reality.

Seek not the protection of vague security of earth but accept thy security from me. But cast not thy hand in the fire, unless it should be shielded in the knowledge of thyself.

For only an active body and clean mind keepth a strong body or temple of God.

Beware of thy spiritual activity that is true; for thine acts are living prayer and thy words are as solid as the earth. Parade not thy knowledge lest thy soul by stripped of thy heritage.

Act ye in accord with the life which ye lead for a false act in life is like a false finger, it gaineth thee nothing.

Go forth into the high places as well as the low and demand my share of my Father’s bounty.

You shall celebrate the victory of my Father through the Christos.

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