Physical Balance 5 — Glands and Blood Pressure

Physical Balance 5 — Glands and Blood Pressure

Advanced Activity Meditations & Spiritual Exercises

The suggested use of this exercise is twice a day — morning and night, upon rising and retiring.


Put the two forefingers about one inch below the tip, or top, of the ears and also about one inch to the rear of the ear (on the neck), which brings you to a spot just at the bottom of the skull bone and between the chords of the neck where there is a hollow spot. It is right at this place that you apply the two fingers.


Place the index fingers with a firm pressure against the neck so that they actually push in on the flesh, and take a deep breath. Hold it for about ten counts if possible.

Do this about three to four times and in between each time allow three to four minutes of normal breathing.


This will clear the throat. It also affects the glands and balances the blood pressure.

You may also sense a beat which is not the beat of the heart, but the movement of the electromagnetic forces back and forth across the body.


Photo: S. Migaj/Unsplash

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